Learning Risk Preferences Through Social Interaction: An Active Inference Approach
Executive dysfunction is associated with altered hippocampal-prefrontal functional connectivity in male 3xTg Alzheimer’s model mice
Different exploration strategies along the autism spectrum: Diverging effects of autism diagnosis and autism traits
The impact of distracting factors on reaction time in student drivers and non-drivers
Individual Differences in the Effects of Neighborhood Socioeconomic Deprivation on Intertemporal Decision-Making and Psychotic-Like Experiences in Children
Quantitative vs. Qualitative Outcomes: A Longitudinal Study of Risk and Ambiguity in Monetary and Medical Decision-Making
Climate Trauma from Wildfire Exposure Impacts Cognitive Decision-Making
Observational learning strategies impact the neural correlates of declarative memory formation
When in doubt average your priors: a latent cause model of risk and ambiguity aversion
Experience and advice consequences shape information sharing strategies