Higher spatial resolution is not always better: evaluating satellite-sensed sea surface temperature products for a west Pacific coral reef system
A clear distinction and presence of Acropora divaricata within Acropora solitaryensis species complex along their biogeographic distribution in East-Asia
Increasing summertime penetrative shortwave radiation and its weakening effect on the seasonal cycle in mid-latitude oceans
Supporting resilience-based coral reef management using broadscale threshold approaches
Climate-driven succession in marine microbiome biodiversity and biogeochemical function
Shifts in benthic megafauna communities after glacial retreat in an Antarctic fjord
Seasonal biases in fluorescence estimated chlorophyll-a derived from biogeochemical profiling floats
Environmental Control on the Productivity of a Heavily Fished Ecosystem
Competing effects of wind and buoyancy forcing on recent ocean oxygen trends
North Atlantic chlorophyll blooms enhance terrestrial primary productivity over Europe