Enhancing Event Temporal Relation Extractionwith Counterfactual Reasoning and Adversarial Training
vivoBodySeg: Machine learning-based analysis of C. elegans immobilized in vivoChip for automated developmental toxicity testing
Enhanced Forecasting of Rice Price and Production in Malaysia Using Novel Multivariate Fuzzy Time Series Models
Design and Development on Multiple Physical Fields Simulation of High-Voltage Switchgear
Enhancing Code Security with CodeSheriff: A Multi-Language Vulnerability Scanner
Differential effects of GPT-based tools on comprehension of standardized passages
Improving Reuse During the Development Process for Web Systems
Within-Project and Cross-Project Defect Prediction Based on Model Averaging
Leveraging Graph Neural Networks and Gate Recurrent Units for Accurate and Transparent Prediction of Baseball Pitching Speed
Development of Anti-Malware System for Android Applications