Our intention in this article is to analyze the fundamental analysis of the zones and their existing libration points under the solar radiation pressure and albedo effects. We can feel about albedos at any Nature’s property wherever the Sun rays exist. As we know that important phase of the dynamical system of any celestial body is its stability and the factors which change its behavior of motion. This research article presents an explicit analysis of the albedo effect for ring body problems for a specific value of v = 6, which explains the behavior of existing zone’s stability, shifting of their libration points with monotonicity and the characteristic roots of δ confirms the behavior of stability condition for existing zones as well as their existing libration points in a synodic frame of references. We observed that in this problem from an experimental point of view, a little change in v, changes the complete behavior of the problem and leaves a nice platform of the proof. In this problem, β plays a significant role, which affects firstly the whole dynamics of peripheral primaries, the mass parameters β = 0 and β ≠ 0 generally confirm that this synodic system wears, an absence of a center of mass and the presence of the center of mass, respectively. We have observed in this article is the libration point L0, which exists in the center and has peripheral primary P0, remains unchanged throughout applying the albedo effect. The stability analysis confirms the location of the libration points, whether it is stable, unstable, etc., but here we have seen the more interesting things i.e., most of the locations of the libration points except exceptionals are found unstable. This article also shows the momentum of the position of all the libration points with their existing zone as well as peripheral primaries, by the effect of the radiation pressure and albedo. It is also analyzed here that this complete problem works in a certain short and very sensitive range set (−1.75, 1.75) because this problem is filled with trigonometric periodic functions. In this problem, we have considered only the real roots of the axis x, y, whereas imaginary roots are not considered. For stability analysis, we have taken both real and complex roots of δ. Results of this article for v = 6 may help us to analyze an imaginary behavior of our solar system’s planets in a blank paper, provided by certain rules and regulations by equations of motion because real behavior may be far away from us. By the present study, it is found that the whole behavior of the system for various v whenever change, which can be extended later in another way.