Our work contributes to a better understanding of the mechanisms and processes driving the distribution of genetic variation in Scots pine, a keystone tree in Eurasian forests and economically important species widely used in sylviculture. Our findings reveal that temperature is the primary factor influencing levels of genetic variation and driving the species' local adaptation, offering insights for predicting genomic offset in this species. We discuss the patterns of geographic distribution of alleles under selection along environmental gradients and provide data to advance active management and practice to safeguard the resilience of Scots pine populations in the face of ongoing climate change.
The analyzed populations were previously included in a study addressing neutral genetic variation and demographic history of Scots pine 26. These populations span a vast environmental gradient, representing one of the best-known examples of adaptive variation in frost tolerance and phenology within this species 16. Despite differences in environmental conditions, population histories, and some distinct genetic characteristics, our analysis revealed that the populations share much of their neutral genetic variation, with very similar allelic frequency spectra observed at most loci. The background neutral variation is also quite uniformly distributed across the studied range (mean FST of 0.014), indicating low between-population genetic differentiation. Our results corroborate other reports of “missing variation” within the species with such a broad distribution range, which is likely attributed to the combined effects of multiple range shifts experienced in the past, large effective population sizes and high level of gene flow (Pyhäjärvi et al., 2020; Tyrmi et al., 2020; Wachowiak et al., 2022a; Milesi et al., 2023). Despite an overall similar genetic background in the analyzed species distribution, some signatures of divergence were observed in our data in mountain regions of southern Poland. Recent results of neutral genetic structure based on mtDNA variation suggest that Stołowe Mts in Central Sudetes could harbor a unique genetic lineage of Scots pine, probably predating the last glacial event 68. Patterns of genetic variation in other forest tree species in this area, for instance, Pinus mugo 69 and Rhododendron ferrugineum 70, support the presence of such microrefugia. Postglacial recolonization also played a significant role in shaping the observed allele frequency gradients in Scots pine along the studied transect, as indicated by the cline-like pattern in ancestry found by LEA and PCA analysis. The among-population variation could, in general, be partitioned between the effects of isolation by distance (IBD) and isolation by environment (IBE). These spatial processes are not mutually exclusive and can interact to reduce gene flow among ecologically divergent populations 71,72. In P. sylvestris, IBD was found to be a stronger driver of genetic divergence for neutral loci, but the genomic signature of IBE was especially strong for outlier loci, where only 15% of the variation was unexplained. This could be attributed to the unequal strength of gene flow affecting different parts of the genome. Certain regions such as those containing loci involved in adaptation or closely linked outliers, may be selectively constrained and less influenced by gene flow, while the remainder of the genome is more susceptible 73. A similar pattern was also described in other pine species, with comparable ranges and demographic histories shaped by glaciation 74–76.
Scots pine, similar to other keystone forest tree species was the subject of numerous quantitative and population genetic studies that aimed to identify the genetic basis of adaptive trait variation including phenology, cold tolerance, responses to drought or waterlogging 6,16,77–82. Variations in these traits exhibit clinal patterns across the species range, and common garden experiments have further confirmed their high heritability and signatures of local adaptation 83,84. Some quantitative genetic studies suggested the presence of genes with a strong phenotypic effect related among others to cold tolerance and phenology (reviewed in e.g. 85. However, association genetic studies have been less conclusive, indicating the presence of adaptive genes of relatively low individual phenotypic effect 27,77,86–88.
The polygenic character of many traits related to environmental gradients usually results in weak allelic frequency spectra shifts that can be detected by outlier detection approaches alone 52. To overcome this issue, we combined complementary methods, examining different aspects of the association between genotype and environment. Specifically, we analyzed patterns of differentiation based on FST, SNPs underlying population structure, and allele frequencies associated with the multivariate environmental predictors. By selecting outliers that were concordant among all three methods, we aimed to ensure both high detection power and a low false discovery rate. These identified loci contribute to overall patterns of genetic variation across the species range, as indicated in our multivariate analysis. Notably, randomly selected and putatively neutral SNPs failed to explain the observed structure in these pines. The results of our population genomic approach provide additional support to local adaptation in Scots pine being primarily influenced by selection acting on numerous loci of small effect.
Increasing evidence supporting polygenic architecture of local adaptation was recently provided for non-model organisms, including forest tree species like poplars, oaks and beeches 32,89,90. Climate-associated traits with a complex genetic architecture, shaped in response to environmental gradients through multilocus selection were described in other species including among others humans 91,92, fruit flies 93 and Arabidopsis 94. In the case of species with a high level of gene flow selection must be high enough to overcome its homogenizing effect to maintain local adaptation (Tigano and Friesen 2016; e.g., Chavarria-Pizarro et al. 2019). In our study, the variation in all SNPs under selection was highly correlated with mean temperature and possibly other environmental variables highly correlated with temperature, but not with precipitation. Temperature serves as a key limiting factor for tree species, especially young individuals, influencing growth patterns and phenology, and ultimately impacting tree performance and survival 95–97. It seems that significant selective pressure exerted by temperature may be strong enough to maintain local adaptation despite gene flow in Scots pine.
Unfortunately, due to the genome complexity of conifers in general, and the lack of a good-quality, annotated reference genome for Scots pine, the molecular function of identified climate-associated SNPs remains unknown. However, given the rapid decay of linkage disequilibrium within the conifers genome (LD drops to R2 < 0.2 at ~ 200 bp, ) and the reduced genome representation method for genotyping used here (SNP array), with only a small fraction of the whole genome likely represented, we can expect a limited number of SNP outliers detected by all three genome-environment association methods 87,98. Although scarce, the variants detected in our study must be either causative polymorphisms or nearby loci 85, and further empirical validations would be needed to confirm their role and fitness effect. In addition to putative structural variation in genes underlying local adaptation, variants involved in regulatory mechanisms, gene expression patterns, or epigenetic changes might be equally important 99,100. Further studies, that will take advantage of the availability of the complete genome sequence of Scots pine and methods in functional genomics and plant molecular biology are needed to fully explore those possibilities.
In a rapidly changing environment, forest tree populations face limited options for survival. These options include tracking the shifting climatic niche through migration, relying on pre-existing genetic variation and selection to adapt to novel conditions in their current location 7. Life history traits, especially pollen and seed dispersal rates, serve as limiting factors for effective migration, and the actual rates are quite low for many tree species 101,102. A significant discrepancy between actual and predicted rates of migration to track future conditions has been reported, raising concerns about the ability of tree species to respond solely through natural migration 12,34,103. Furthermore, our predicted GV values, which could be interpreted as the allele frequency change required for adaptation to future climate conditions, are relatively high for analyzed groups, with slightly higher mean values in Finland across all RCP scenarios. Considering estimates of possible allele frequency shifts in the range of 0.01 per generation at neutral and adaptive loci in a different tree species, our estimates are an order of magnitude higher. Closing the perceived offset gap by natural selection alone will thus be challenging for those populations 104.
Our simulation results support these findings by illustrating that the duration required for allele shift in Scots pine populations, encompassing both minimum and maximum GV values in our dataset, ranged from 25 to 725 years. This timeframe was notably influenced by the strength of selection, with a higher selection coefficient resulting in quicker shifts, and the initial allele frequency, wherein shifts occurred more rapidly at intermediate frequencies. While there is a possibility that climate change-induced mismatches could lead to heightened mortality rates (indicative of high selection pressures), a meta-analysis investigating selection strength within natural populations delivered a mean selection coefficient of s = 0.135. The scarcity of studies reporting very high selection coefficients (s > 0.5) suggests that the time required for allele frequency changes may need to be long 8. Thus it is evident, that standing genetic variation in many places may become maladapted to rapidly changing environments and alternative approaches as compared to natural regeneration might be needed to ensure the resilience of Scots pine in the face of climate change 7,40,105.
Such alternative approaches may involve forest-assisted migration (FAM) that in principle involves transferring existing genotypes from one place within the species range to an area of interest, where the projected environmental condition match those already present in the donor place 106–109. The presented research contributes to the development and implementation of FAM in Scots pine, as it provides an evaluation of current genomic offset and indicates the optimal allelic frequency spectra in populations to ensure their resilience. Overall, our vulnerability assessment predicts, that Finnish populations, especially those located above the Arctic Circle will be more harmed, as a consequence of increased warming of the Arctic region 110. On the other hand, the results of species distribution changes in response to future conditions have generally predicted a substantial northward range shift in the case of Scot pine, and more optimal conditions to grow at higher latitudes 12. This apparent contradiction may be reconciled by considering the need for turnover: pines currently growing in affected areas will likely be replaced by those migrating from lower latitudes. At smaller spatial scales, within individual regions, there is a slight variation, and the relationship between latitude and genomic vulnerability is weaker, particularly in Poland. However, for all populations studied here, the magnitude of genomic offset to future conditions, even under the mild prognosis of RCP2.5, is significant enough to suggest their insufficient adaptive response without external assistance.
Before any FAM implementation, empirical validation of the robustness of genomic prediction, such as through common garden experiments, seems to be of critical importance 111. Subsequently, careful selection of the potential source population for assisted migration suited for each location and adequate policy adjustments are needed 105. Especially challenging, given the vast range of Scots pine, are the existing regulations regarding the maintenance of seed zones and transfer of reforestation material in different countries. The seed zones were established to maintain unique ecotypes and/or to protect locally adapted populations, thus careful analysis of the potential revision of such regulations is necessary 112,113. Furthermore, long-term monitoring and adaptive management strategies are crucial to evaluate the efficacy of FAM interventions. Despite the challenges, it seems that assisted climate-adaptive strategies must be considered soon, as lack of action will likely lead to significant losses, both ecologically and economically. Successful implementations of various assisted migration approaches in other forest tree species like black ash, red pine, and eastern white pine (Palik et al. 2022) and their frameworks could serve as valuable guidelines for developing solutions suited for Scots pine and could help mitigate those costs 114–116.