Inter- and intraspecific constraint of accessible chromatins maps regulatory loci involved in maize speciation and domestication
Co-selection of low cadmium accumulation and high yield during tomato breeding
Cytogenomic evaluation of regenerated Aralia elata using PLOP-FISH and flow cytometry
Identification of A Novel Hybrid Sterility Locus S67 between temperate japonica subgroup and basmati subgroup in Oryza sativa L
Panvariome and pangenome of 1,020 global peach accessions shed light on evolution pattern, hidden natural variation and efficient gene discovery
Adaptive potential and genomic vulnerability of keystone forest tree species to climate change: a case study in Scots pine
Targeting PDS gene to establish a transgene-free genome editing system in sorghum
Genomic evidence for supergene control of Darwin’s “complex marriage arrangement” – the tristylous floral polymorphism
Variable Selection Patterns Associated with Constitutive and GxE Effects for Grain Yield in a Locally Adapted Soybean Population
Exploitation of heterosis and combining ability potential for improvement in okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.)