Differentiating the movement of esports players who play different game genres
The Effects of Perturbation Intensities on Backward Slip-Falls Induced by a Split-belt Treadmill
Dynamic Changes in Human Brain Connectivity Following Ultrasound Neuromodulation
Could spontaneous interpersonal synchronization enhance athletes’ performance? A case report on the Japanese 100-m record race
Neuronal segmentation in cephalopod arms
Bilateral asymmetry of lower limb muscle synergies during walking
Effect of foot type on electromyographic characteristics and synergy of selected lower limb muscles during running
Postural coping strategies of the active elderly on shoulder disturbance related to anterior falls
Eccentric exercise-induced delayed onset trunk muscle soreness alters high-density surface EMG- torque relationships and lumbar kinematics
On Human Motor Coordination: The Synergy Expansion Hypothesis